
About Me

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I am pretty down to earth fun loving girl that wants to share my experiences in hopes that I can help someone improve their life. I am a mother of two beautiful babies. I love to laugh and learn new thing. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you return soon to share your thoughts and experiences.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 6 and still going!!!


Okay good people Day 6 and I am still on track. In normal fashion for breakfast I will eat boiled eggs and a half of an orange. I must have my cup of coffee or I am dragging all day. I am looking into alternative to coffee in the morning. I do not want to remain dependent on coffee as an energy source. For lunch on Day 6 I am to consume a fruit (strawberry, pear, cantelope, watermelon or apple) in any quantity that I chose. I always think to myself man I am going tear up a entire tub full of fruit. I brought watermelon as food of choice, since it is a diuretic and can help with my water intake. I am not a big fan of watermelon but it will have to do for today. Okay so this brings me down to 23 more day. I will be doing my daily walk for about 30-45 minutes today after work with my fitness partner. I will also post my weight loss stats on the LCB group page on Facebook in the first week of November.

Until next time good people. Make sure you check out our Facebook group at Low Carb Dieter and Everything In Between. Be sure to add yourself to the group, and please submit your comments and questions here. You can also send me a private message at I will be sure that you remain anonymous unless otherwise stated, and answer your question to the best of my ability.
So this is me Erika Cole. I was born on the 25th day of February in Brooklyn, New York. I like the color pink and soft green. I love the smell of flowers (tulips and peonies), my favorite flavor is whipped cream, and I enjoy spending time alone in a world full of people. Odd you may think but it's the truth. I also enjoy fishing, reading, shopping, personal development, and spirituality. I have been told that I have a great sense of humor, but I personally think my humor is what keeps me sane. I have worked at an aerospace company for the last 10 years, and before that I spent time in the United States Navy. I have 2 beautiful children - my oldest is a gorgeous girl and my baby boy is a bundle of imagination. I am a divorced single mother living in California and surviving thanks to the help of my mother. I try to live each day to it's fullest but there are some days when I come down with the case of the blues.

I am a hopeless romantic and a free spirit. Structure makes me feel caged in and suppresses my inner Goddess. I want a lot out of life. I want a healthy family, financial comfort, marriage to a supportive/loving man, but most of all I want to live. I struggled for a brief time with alcoholism, but that was short lived. It took me no time at all to realize that my problems were still there when I was sober. I needed to get better for the sake of my children and for myself. I took time out in my life during my 20's to get myself an education. It was a struggle but I stand before you a woman with an Master's degree in business. I enjoy it but I don't think it's that big of a deal. I just knew that in order to be better I had to do better.

Early in life I experienced some things that a child is not suppose to experience. I was molested at a very young age. My first memories of things not being quite right I was about four years of age. This continued on until I was about 17 years old. There was not just one person in particular, but a conglomerate of whom I felt robbed me of my childhood. I found myself wanting to leave home and never return. I had run away on several occasions only to find myself back home wishing I could escape reality. That is when I decided the Navy would be my best bet.

So there I was 18 years old, on my own and feeling lost but free. Free from the stress, free from the chaos, and free from the abuse. My only regret in leaving is that I had left my siblings behind to virtually fend for themselves which still bothers me today. I needed to find a way to heal and move on. To make a long story short my marriage was short lived but I am still grateful for the experience. It taught my what I like and did not like. It taught me how to stand up for what I believe in, and not to settle for anything less than being treated like a Queen. I have a had a few attempts at relationships of which none of them stood out, but here recently I have found myself in love with a person that I don't get too see as much as I would like, but for some unknown reason I am kind of okay with that. He has taught me that love is so much more that what I initially thought. I have experienced a different type of love from this man. A weird, tingly, I'm giddy all over type of love. Something I thought I would never experience, and let me tell you it feels phenomenal.

I still face daily challenges like any normal person. I mean who would I be today if I were exempt from the speed bumps that life threw in my lane. I just want people to know that life doesn't give you more than you can handle, and sometimes awful things happen but they happen for a reason. Where would I be know if I didn't go through the abuse, the tough divorce, and having to restructure my life? I love myself, my children, my family, my man and most of all I am loving life.

I hereby declare that I have forgiven all that have shamed me and/or done me wrong in the past. I believe you did not know that what you were doing was wrong in the eyes of so many. What kind of person would I be if I held anger in resentment in my heart toward you. You no longer have that type of power over my thoughts.

"Never regret anything you have been through, because only with those trials will you become a better person the next day." ~ Crystal Hunt

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Day 5 and Feeling Alive

Yesterday (Day 4) wasn't too bad. My fitness partner and I are on our third day of our exercise regimen. We have decided between the two of us that we will increase our walking distance each day. I was exhausted after our workout yesterday, but today is day 5 and I feel great. For breakfast today in normal fashion I will have two hard boiled eggs and a half of an orange. I have 24 more day to go and I will keep you all posted as to our progress. My fitness partner is down 6 pounds since the beginning our or diet and exercise routine and I am down 2 (I started a week after she did). I have to say the most difficult part of this diet is drinking over 50 ounces of water per day. I am usually good about my water intake, but there are days where I can only get down two bottles max. What I have decided to do to remind myself to eat and drink on time is set an alarm every so often of my phone. This helps me not to skip any meals or relax on my water intake. 

For lunch today I will have another set of eggs and steamed spinach. I know weird combination but it seems to be working. Until next time good people. Make sure you check out our Facebook groups at Low Carb Dieter and Everything In Between. Be sure to add yourself to the group, and please submit your comments and questions here. You can also send me a private message at I will be sure that you remain anonymous unless otherwise stated, and answer your question to the best of my ability. 

Remember to love yourself and be open to being loved.


Monday, October 29, 2012

So the Journey Begins

So I am on this weight loss journey and things seem to be going well. Don't get me wrong there are the ups and down, lessons learned but most of all the results. I am happy to say I am over 20 pounds lost since July 2012. My journey is far from complete but I will keep you all update on my progress. I have posted links to recipes and helpful websites for those who want to join in on the fun. Check out our Facebook group page at the following link: Low Carb Dieter and Everything in Between