
About Me

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I am pretty down to earth fun loving girl that wants to share my experiences in hopes that I can help someone improve their life. I am a mother of two beautiful babies. I love to laugh and learn new thing. Thank you for visiting my blog and I hope you return soon to share your thoughts and experiences.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Day 6 and still going!!!


Okay good people Day 6 and I am still on track. In normal fashion for breakfast I will eat boiled eggs and a half of an orange. I must have my cup of coffee or I am dragging all day. I am looking into alternative to coffee in the morning. I do not want to remain dependent on coffee as an energy source. For lunch on Day 6 I am to consume a fruit (strawberry, pear, cantelope, watermelon or apple) in any quantity that I chose. I always think to myself man I am going tear up a entire tub full of fruit. I brought watermelon as food of choice, since it is a diuretic and can help with my water intake. I am not a big fan of watermelon but it will have to do for today. Okay so this brings me down to 23 more day. I will be doing my daily walk for about 30-45 minutes today after work with my fitness partner. I will also post my weight loss stats on the LCB group page on Facebook in the first week of November.

Until next time good people. Make sure you check out our Facebook group at Low Carb Dieter and Everything In Between. Be sure to add yourself to the group, and please submit your comments and questions here. You can also send me a private message at I will be sure that you remain anonymous unless otherwise stated, and answer your question to the best of my ability.

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